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Sylvan Scholars aims to make competitive EDH gameplay experience welcoming, friendly, safe, and a constant source of knowledge. Both new or enfranchised players get together to enjoy a fun and inclusive time but at the same time we discect those intricate moments during a game that cause confusion even to those that have been playing for many years. Our goal is to help viewers and ourselves learn and understand the format better and demistify the concept of it being a narrow, strict and boring format with limited strategies. This project is actively led and supported by Bear Claymore, Trentyn and Justin, however, we have the honor to count the great Geoffrey Palmer (@livingcardsMTG) as a founder member and Amber (@ambermtg) as a key contributor in the early stages of the project. (The project name in itself is her contribution). We stream games 2 nights a week and we encourage all and anyone willing to both learn and teach, to signup and play with us. Click the button now!

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Board member, headmaster, host



Board Member

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Board Member

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